Thursday, October 30, 2008

Part 3 of the New Do!!!!!

We began with new floors, then new counter tops. Of course the paint and wallpaper did not look good with the new stuff, so new paint and curtains and chair cushions! All is well, right????

Of course not. Where I sit in my den, I can see the kitchen and dining room. Shouldn't they match? I don't have a before pic of the dining room, but it was a light taupe with a wallpaper border that complimented the old kitchen border, with dark green valances. Now it's painted the same toasted wheat as the kitchen and my creative daughter-in-law and I made a curtain last night with the same fabric as the kitchen!!!! She's good and I love it.

The pics don't do it justice, you can click on them to enlarge. Now for covering the chair cushions and getting some stuff on the walls. Hummmmmmmm, does the den coordinate now?

1 comment:

Jenn said...

The dining room really does look marvelous!! Love it!