Thursday, October 30, 2008

Part 3 of the New Do!!!!!

We began with new floors, then new counter tops. Of course the paint and wallpaper did not look good with the new stuff, so new paint and curtains and chair cushions! All is well, right????

Of course not. Where I sit in my den, I can see the kitchen and dining room. Shouldn't they match? I don't have a before pic of the dining room, but it was a light taupe with a wallpaper border that complimented the old kitchen border, with dark green valances. Now it's painted the same toasted wheat as the kitchen and my creative daughter-in-law and I made a curtain last night with the same fabric as the kitchen!!!! She's good and I love it.

The pics don't do it justice, you can click on them to enlarge. Now for covering the chair cushions and getting some stuff on the walls. Hummmmmmmm, does the den coordinate now?

Saturday, October 25, 2008

6 year old football playoffs

Our 6 year old grandson played in a recreation department tournament today after playing in the first playoff game Monday night. Although they did not win, they got to play at a local high school stadium complete with announcers, working scoreboard and lots of screamin' mama's, daddy's, grandparents, aunts, uncles dedicated football fans. As he hugged me after the game today he said he was tired of this stuff and ready for basketball!!! He is a hoot. He was one of the captains today, #6!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

If You Can't Lose It, Decorate It!

Anita Renfroe is one of my favorite ~ if not my very favorite Christian comedians. She is SO REAL!!!!! I was fortunate enough to attend a taping in Atlanta of her Purse-onality DVD. There is a book entitled The Purse Driven Life that is also a hoot! I saw this book, If You Can't Lose It Decorate It: And other hip alternatives to dealing with reality, in the store and could not wait to read it. I have to admit, book covers attract me and this one did for sure!!! FUN!!!

I highly recommend this book. She talks about all the realities we face everyday. Helps us see the humor in it all and gives us a biblical, Godly way to handle this ride we call "life".

You might remember her Momsense song that was e-mailed all over the place. It is a classic. Check it out on You Tube here. Anita's website is

Check out more book reviews here on Callapidder Days in the Fall into Reading Challenge!

Monday, October 20, 2008

6 Year Old Football

Can I just tell you inter web peeps how precious 6 year old football is? Our grandson plays and he is S.E.R.I.O.U.S. about it. Saturday morning was an early game and we've finally got a nip in the air here in North Georgia. The wind was a little much and we were all complaining ~ except for him!!!!

I will also admit that I am a little bias, but he is really good. Born athlete you might say. When you see the kids lined up in a row with their pads bigger than them and see their little stick legs, our grandson's are far from sticks. He is stocky and all muscle.

Like all the other kids on the 6 year old teams (and I'm sure most high school, college and pro teams) when they do something good, they immediately look for some affirmation from the sidelines. When he played last year at 5 years old, he looked for his mom and grandparents (his Daddy helps coach). We sent thumbs up, clapped, high fives if he came to the sidelines ~ it was great.

This year however, he has apparently put aside supportive family for the other bystanders and the CHEERLEADERS (also 6 years old)!!! When he made a touchdown on Sat. he walked along the sidelines and looked at everyone as they congratulated him, and as he walked past us and we did the thumbs-up, high five action ~ we got a slight nod of the head!! He is cool, suave and debonair these days.

He has played at least 423 games (okay, maybe I exaggerate a little) but he's played A LOT of games for a 6 year old. Tonight begins PLAYOFFS!!!! PLAYOFFS people ~ at 7:30 pm. BATH TIME, right. If they win tonight, they play again tomorrow night at 7:30! Then if they win that, it's the big time at a local high school stadium for an afternoon game on Saturday.

His older brother (who is also a good football player) played 7th grade football this year and they had 5 games! FIVE, that's all ~ AMAZING!!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

It Can't Happen Here

How many times have you thought something couldn't happen in your town, your family, at your job. Well it can ~ and it did today in our town. Apparently a disgruntled gentleman decided to get his revenge of sorts with a suicide mission at a local law firm. This law firm is just across the street from an elementary school and my husband' office is on the opposite corner, and the local post office is just in front of the law firm. My husband went to his office just after the incident and thought there must have been a bad wreck and had to go around the block to get to his office ~ he soon realized it was not a wreck, and soon after, they evacuated his office building.

The gentlemen came to the firm with a bomb and tried to drive into the building. He could not drive into it and ended up out of his car and throwing the explosive into a window. One of the attorneys was badly burned and taken to a burn unit in Georgia. Two clients were injured and one is still in the local hospital. One of the assistants in the office was injured, treated and released.

It is a scary thing here in our little town and makes us realize that anything can happen anywhere. I will pray for the members of the law firm, their families, and especially for the family of the gentlemen that set the bomb and died. I am sure that they would appreciate any of your prayers lifted up for them, too. You can read about it here.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Off Season by Anne Rivers Siddons

I am really at a loss about Anne Rivers Siddons newest book, Off Season. I LOVE Anne Rivers Siddons books and this one began that way. As is her usual style, the characters were well developed and locations were described so the reader could feel they were there. But . . .

Without leaving a spoiler for anyone planning on reading this, I must say the ending was horrible. This book began with a sweet, potentially great storyline, but the horrible discovery at the end flopped. The abruptness of it and the weirdness just shot it out of the water. I feel like Ms. Siddons handed it to someone and said, “Here, you finish this”, or the publisher called her and told her she had 5 minutes to finish it, period. OH, and the cat, PLEASE!!!!!!

Check out more book reviews at Fall Into Reading 2008 over at Callapidder Days!

I look forward to others opinions about this book. Happy Reading!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Travis Cottrell

I cannot say enough about Travis Cottrell's new Christmas CD. I just downloaded it from iTunes and I'm sitting here listening to it with tears running down my cheeks and cold chills all over. If you are not familiar with Travis, check him out here! I was introduced to Travis the first time at a Beth Moore event. His voice is incredible and his faith and love for God come through in every word he sings.

Melanie at Big Mama is giving away autographed copies of the CD ~ check it out and enter. If you don't win it ~ or too impatient (like me) to find out ~ go to iTunes and download it today. While you're at it, Found is also a good CD!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Book Review ~ When Did I Stop Being Barbie. . .

When Did I Stop Being Barbie and Become Mrs. Potato Head?: Learning to Embrace the Woman You've Become by Mary Pierce was a great book! Mary shares real life struggles with, well, ahem ~ getting older! Mary Pierce makes getting older fun and gives healthy, Godly advice about accepting the woman we've become. Her honesty with her own personal struggles and experiences made me laugh and cry! Lots of great lessons!!!

Since I'm right around the corner from 50, I felt like I was reading my own story. I encourage any woman, especially those dealing with raging "horriblemones", to read Mary's book.

Check out more book reviews at Fall Into Reading 2008 over at Callapidder Days!

Happy Reading ~

Friday, October 3, 2008

Hangin' out with kids!

I'm going to begin hanging out with my friends girls and my grandson's all the time. Someone told me one time if I ever felt down and out to read my e-bay feedback!!! LOL

But today was the perfect day of comments from loved ones. First, my friends four year old looked sweetly at me and said, "Bitsy, you are perfect." (I only wish you could have heard it in her sweet 4 year old voice)

Then I picked up my 6 year old grandson from after school care this afternoon. He was in the back seat and asked if I would scratch and rub his legs when we got home. I said sure! It was quiet for a few minutes, then he said, "Nana, I just love you sooooo much." Be still my heart!!

And to top it all off, my 12 year old grandson (he'll be 13 next week, UGH) hugged me bye when they all left to go home and said, "Love ya Nana, you are awesome."

So you see why I'm gonna hang out with them from now on??????? What a GREAT day!