Saturday, October 13, 2007

Yard Sale Success!

WOW ~ ask for cooler weather and you get it! Be careful what you pray for!!! It was a brisk morning and I wish you could have seen my friend and I huddled in the tiny stream of sunshine that started in the corner of her driveway about 8:30 am.

We are tired and sore, we did not make a lot of money, but we cleaned out junk and had fun with the people. I think some people come to yard sales just to talk and have some contact with people ~ which was fine with us! One lady came and bought some little things and talked to us. Then she saw a recliner I had for sale. She sat in it and really liked it. I practically gave it to her, but she was very appreciative. She'd lost her husband recently and was driving his little truck and had just enough room for it.

Every kid that came got something given to them. We had some small stuffed animals and could not help but let the kids have one. Our favorite was a little fellow that was out with his grandmother and great-grandmother. He walked straight up to me and asked if we had boy stuff. I told him I was sorry, but that I didn't. He whirled around with this hand on his hip and said very matter of factly ~ "I said I really wanted to go to a yard sale with boy stuff" ~ he was a hoot! They promised him a "boy sale" and we gavc him a stuffed ladybug he liked.

He found a glass golf ball ornament and wanted it. Came up to me with a quarter and I gave him a dime back. He immediately dropped and broke it and along with it, broke his heart. I kneeled down and told him it was alright, something was obviously wrong with the ball for it to break and gave him his quarter back. He then tried to give me the dime back, which of course I did not take ~ so that was worth it!

I came home, ate, took a nap and a nice shower and declared (again) to my hubby, "I will never have another one." Can't imagine why, but he just laughed!!!


Anonymous said...

How fun! I found a great deal on a kitchen table and chairs at a yard sale this weekend. Seems like this weekend was yard sale weekend all over the South! xoxo


Bitsy (aka Elizabeth) said...

WOW Anonymous,
What a coincidence!!!!!!

Jenn said...

Ha ha ha... you Ladies are comedians, aren't you? BitZ,... glad it was a success! NTBNPF, I'm glad that you found a good deal!

Anonymous said...

We are doing opne this weekend for the girl scouts. Somehow, my driveway was "volunteered"!!