Tuesday, October 23, 2007

More Bookie Stuff!!!!

As you know from a previous post, I am an avid reader and member of a local book club. I usually have a book I am reading, listening to a book on tape in my car and doing a bible study. Some can read more than that at one time, but that is usually my limit. I also have to have the book I'm reading a very different genre from the one on tape! Too confusing.

There are several website for bookies like me, but two I wanted to share today.

Suzanne Beecher at http://www.dearreader.com/ is a great one. This site allows you to sign up for several e-mail book clubs. Fiction, non-fiction, mystery, business, teen, etc. You can pick and choose the ones you want and each day Suzanne sends a 5 minute read of the book. Just enough to peak your interest or realize you don't care for the book. She also has a feature on Monday and Thursday entitled Authorbuzz ~ http://www.authorbuzz.com/dearreader/. One of my favorite features, this allows you to check out other books you might like ~ with contests for signed copies, etc. If you read the description of the book or the first chapter and don't care for it, just delete that e-mail everyday!!!

There are times when I don't have the time to read everyday, so I move them all to a folder and read all of them at one time! Try it, I think you'll like it!

Another fun one is The Great American Book Giveaway at http://www.gather.com/viewArticle.jsp?articleId=281474977119796

Have a good read!!!!!!

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