Saturday, May 10, 2008


A very good friend of mine comes over occasionally to get a rinse put on her hair (and yes, she could do this herself at home, but where would the fun be in that???). Last night she called and asked if Yolanda's, or something like that would be open for business this weekend. I asked her where she got that name and we began to wonder what I ought to call my kitchen table hair coloring chair.

Some of the choices ~ Bitsy's Beauty Boutique, Bitsy's Bodacious Babes, Bitsy's Bitties - (gotta cover the gray you know). My favorite salon name in our little town is Curl Up and Dye! I think that is priceless. It's probably a chain and I don't know it!!!!

So, she is headed over tonight after putting her girls down and getting her gray covered. NOW, when I say gray, I mean just a few strands. She is younger than I and has just begun to gray.

Me, on the other hand ~ began to gray at 18. I have LOTS of gray and get mine covered every 5 weeks. I go to a real salon and get permanent color. Apparently, my hair has had a growth spurt. I accused hubby of putting fertilizer on it along with the grass!!! I could provide some serious solar energy reflection with my roots right now. WHAT HAPPENED, IT'S ONLY BEEN 3 WEEKS???" I screamed as I pulled it back this morning. I cannot BELIEVE how gray I am getting. Getting old is he#@*& ~ I'm just tellin' ya.

Anybody out there got any good tips on covering gray??? Ceasing aging???? Helping with the soreness this old body feels tonight from scrubbing/cleaning all the outdoor furniture today??? GEEZ!

As my friend and I ended our conversation, she thanked me and called me her BFF! I know that was sweet, but in my present state of mind ~ BIG FAT FRIEND is what I think it means now!!!! I'm going to get hubby to bring in the lift to get me off this couch, take some medicine for my achy bones, prepare to color my friend's hair, and find a hat to wear to church tomorrow!!!!!!!! love ya'll

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