Monday, April 14, 2008

GaFWC Convention

This weekend is my annual Georgia Federation of Women's Clubs Convention. GaFWC is part of the General Federation of Women's Clubs ~ the largest volunteer organization in the world!!! I've been a member for several years and am involved on the district and state level. My district (the state of Georgia has 10 districts) is in charge of convention this weekend. We've been working on it for over a year and ready or not, here it is!!!

I've attached a few pictures of some of the fun things I've been in charge of. Just click on them to enlarge! I had to make some fun stenos for head table favors and was also in charge of the VIP gift. I rolled and tied 51 embroidered blankets and made tags for each. I am fortunate enough to be one of the recipients of the blankets!!!!

Say a little prayer that this weekend goes well and we get at least a couple hours of sleep!!!! I really look forward to this event every year because I see great friends from all over the state!


Jenn said...

Hope you had tons of fun!!! Miss you!!!

Anonymous said...

There they are again :o) I think the pink bottom right is my favorite :o) I am 4 years ago I would have never chosen the pink one... look what my babies have done to me!!! :o)

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you found time to make all of those!!! Did you quit your job? They are beautiful. Where did you get all the ideas?

Anonymous said...

I love the notebooks! I'm trying to make some also but I'm still struggling with being too simplistic with my designs. Maybe you can teach me =P