Saturday, November 12, 2011

GREAT Giveway!

There are blogs I read on a daily basis and one of my favorite is Centsational Girl.  She is a creative DIY'er and beautiful decorator.  Also been featured in Better Homes and Gardens Christmas Idea magazine this year, and more.  

She's got a great giveaway going on at her site from The Vintage Pearl ~ another one of my favorites!

Go HERE and enter to win!  If you win, you have to share.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


We had a 2.7 magnitude earthquake today and it was FrEaKy.  I work at a college and the epicenter was about 1 mile from us.  There was a very loud boom and then a shake.  Very short, but shook all of us up!  We all thought a car ran into our building.   Thankfully there was no damage and no one hurt, just woke us all up. Fun times! 

I immediately began singing the old Carole King song. . .
I feel the earth move under my feet
I feel the sky tumbling down
I feel my heart start to trembling . . .

One of the websites that reports and records earthquakes is actually quite intersting.
I've always been told there is constant seismic activity, but this site shows how often and where.  Check it out! 

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Pinterest Challenge Post #2

This Pinterest challenge has been SO MUCH FUN!  I've found things to do later, did some today, and bookmarked all kinds of things.  Also been blog-stalking!  Needless to say, my house is still a mess, but I am a more creative creature for it!!!!

The sharing/copying is the best part.  Found this post's inspiration from Corrie at  Here are links to my versions of some of the things!

ABC art!

Last name fun!

The party is on at Young House LoveBower Power, Ana White and House of Earnest

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Pinterest Challenge!!

I always love a challenge and don't know that I will get all of this correct, but here goes ~ 
There's a party going on, hosted by Young House LoveBower Power, Ana White and House of Earnest.  Challenging us to actually complete something we've fallen for on Pnterest.  I found a WONDERFUL tulle wreath on My 3 Monsters blog that she found on Something to Do.   I absolutely LOVE the SHARING!

So I decided to do my own version and here it is!  Mine is for Halloween, but it has such possibilites.  Red and White for Christmas, School colors.  I can also picture a sweet light pink or blue with baby items for a nursery.

I used a roll of black tulle and a wire wreath form.  Cut my 6 inch wide tulle into approximately 6 to 8 inch lengths and started tying!
View from the back, I tyed tulle on the first two wires, then the second and third, then the third and fourth.  Repeating that pattern all the way around. 

You can make it as tight as you want.  The solid black is hard to see in a picture.  I did try mixing some silver tulle in, but it looked too white.

Add a ribbon, flower, picture, be creative and have fun! 

Sorry the pictures aren't better, but maybe you can get the idea!