Thursday, November 13, 2008

Tag!!! You're it!

My friend, and blog mentor, Jenn posted her 800th post today and is celebrating with a meme!

I'm sharing my answers here and you can see her answers here!!! I would love to know yours!!!!

Disclaimer: these answers are not necessarily in order of preference!!!!

8 Things I love:
My church
my friends
school supplies
M & M's
bible study

8 Things that give me the Heebie-Jeebies
dirty feet/toes
belly buttons
sour food/garbage smell
flying insects (especially june bugs)
scratchy clothes/sheets

8 places I've been to:
Dallas, TX
Austin, TX
Port Antonio, Jamaica
Albuquerque, NM
Nashville, TN
Columbus, Ohio
Washington, DC
Disney World

8 random facts:
I've gained way too much weight
I am a "never seem to say no" volunteer
I am obsessive about my e-mail (deleting, organizing, reading, answering, etc.)
I have enough scrap book, paper craft, stamping, crafty things to open a store
I love to read and listen to books on tape
Because I let my hair grow out too much, I realized this week that I am TOTALLY GRAY (took of that right quick!!!!!!)
There are tons of orange Popsicles in my freezer because I only like the cherry and grape ones in the package
After 22 years of marriage, hubs and I are still in love, actually like each other, and have a blast!

8 favorite TV shows:
Ugly Betty
Big Bang Theory
Two and a half men
Andy Griffith
Grey's Anatomy (until recently, they've gone too far)
Brothers and Sisters (they are pushing the envelope, too)
Lots of stuff on Discovery channels
Law and Order

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Love these and you!!! I am so blessed to have you and Ron in my lives... to see a couple who after 22 years of marriage is such fun to be around!! And, I linked you on the original blog!