Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Ceiling Art

Have you heard of it?  Ceiling Art, it's in dentist's and doctor's offices to gaze at as you are lying there.  WELL ~ we got us some ceiling art on Monday!  Lovely, don't you thing? 

Monday, September 5, 2011


Pinterest and blogs may be the best and worst thing I've ever discovered!!!  Got up on this Labor Day and decided to labor little bit.  I have a big event at church on Sat. and we leave for the beach on Sunday.  I have lots to do.  Not to mention my house is a wreck!!!  

So I decide to sit down with my coffee and check e-mail first.  BIG MISTAKE :)  There it is, the This week on Pinterest e-mail.  Here I sit on the computer almost 3 hours later and the dogs aren't even fed.  

Just found that earning your Ph.D. was not as difficult as some may think.  I do VERY WELL with Projects Half Done!   Have a great "labor" day :)  

Thursday, September 1, 2011

WOW, it's been since Dec. 2010 since I've posted.  Think it's time to get back on the wagon???  I use Google Reader to check on blogs and enjoy reading them.  I leave comments occasionally and it links back to my blog.  I was a little embarassed when I realized it's been so long.

So when I signed in to my blog I began reading.  I began this thing in 2007 and it is amazing what I've put on the internet!!!!!  I will admit that Facebook, Whirly Words, Words with Friends and over committing myself has interferred with my blogging.  Not to mention that I don't have some wild, exciting life to share ~  and I like it that way!!!  

So I will try to get back to sharing books I've read, crafts, bible study, and family.  We still have two dachshunds that could be the subject of their own blog.  Molly the crack dog and Sassy the Princess.
