Monday, April 28, 2008

Deep Dish

I must say I am disappointed in the latest Mary Kay Andrews book. I really like her books and this was definitely not her best. It was very predictable and boring. It does leave a WIDE open end to a sequel, and I just hope they are a better offer!!! An Amazon reviewer said it best:

" I love Mary Kay Andrews--and have read all of her previous books. But Deep Dish was definitely not on par with her others. I totally agree with the reviewer who said that "it felt like it was slapped together to get it into print". I kept reading, although it was hard to keep going, because I kept thinking it would get better....but it didn't! The characters all seemed superficial and flat. Even her usually quick and witty dialogue seemed forced and fake- it's like she opened a book of cute Southern phrases and just threw them all in there!!! When her next book comes out, I'll buy it too, hoping for a better story and characters. But don't waste your money on this one. Maybe I'll go back and re-read "Itsy Bitsy Lies" or "Hissy Fit" again... :)"

Check out Callapidder Days Spring Reading Thing 2008 for more book reviews!

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